Kom op dinsdag 10 september naar Hello Shopware NL in Rotterdam!

Increase your revenue with Klaviyo as an email marketing automation tool!

Are you a merchant who’s never heard of Klaviyo (pronounced Clay-vee-oh)? That’s a missed opportunity! With a focus on e-commerce, a high ROI and the “from idea to execution in one day” principle, this is a valuable tool for any merchant. We’d be happy to explain why Klaviyo has stolen our H1 hearts!

E-commerce focus

Klaviyo is extremely suitable for connecting to an e-commerce solution. With the link to Klaviyo, you have an enormous toolbox in your hands that you can use to send your customers personal emails at the perfect time for the customer! Various systems such as Shopware 6, Magento 2, Bigcommerce, Shopify and Prestashop are already supported. Switching platforms is also no problem, Klaviyo records based on email addresses.

With the Klaviyo plugin / extension, you can load historical subscribers and order data from your webshop. This way you know exactly which customer has ordered what and when. Because the historical order data is in Klaviyo and future orders also come in, Klaviyo can predict when the greatest chance is that the customer will order from your webshop. This is visible in Klaviyo per customer profile and can be used in your automation flows. In this way, you can send customers an email shortly before the moment when you expect an order from them. This increases the chances of a repeat order.

Web tracking

In addition to order data, Klaviyo also offers web tracking. This allows you to track the behavior of your website visitors, such as the pages they’ve viewed, how long they’ve stayed on your site and what products they’ve looked at. This information can be used to segment your audience and send personalized email campaigns based on their interests and behavior on your website. This can help increase conversions, drive more sales and improve customer engagement.

Klaviyo predicts

Because Klaviyo has access to a huge amount of customer and order data, they can predict certain things. They do the hard work and we can easily use it to increase your revenue. That’s where Klaviyo really stands out compared to other email service providers like Mailchimp. It’s an enterprise marketing automation tool that is affordable for every merchant.

This is what Klaviyo calls “smart send time“, they look at the customer’s behavior and predict when the chances are highest that the email will be opened. They take into account the time zone in which the recipient is located. So you don’t have to worry about that anymore.

Repeat purchases

Did you know that repeat customers typically place orders 3x more often, convert better, and cost much less than acquiring new customers? Repeat customers already know your brand and trust you, so they’re more likely to make a purchase. By focusing on customer retention and repeat purchases, businesses can improve their bottom line and see real growth. With Klaviyo, you can easily target repeat customers with personalized campaigns and offers, which can help increase their lifetime value and drive more sales for your business.

Klaviyo also places a great emphasis on repeat purchases. By analyzing historical order data, Klaviyo can predict when a customer is most likely to make another purchase, and target them with personalized email campaigns at that time. This can help increase customer retention and drive more sales for your business. Klaviyo also allows you to create automated email campaigns that are triggered by a customer’s actions or inactions, such as abandoning their shopping cart or reaching a certain purchase milestone, which can also help increase repeat purchases.

Some of Klaviyo’s benefits

  • E-commerce focus: Klaviyo is specifically designed for e-commerce businesses, and has features and integrations that can help you increase sales and revenue.
  • High ROI: By using Klaviyo’s data-driven approach, businesses can see a high return on investment.
  • Personalization: Klaviyo allows you to segment your audience and send personalized email campaigns based on customer behavior, purchase history, and more.
  • Automation: Klaviyo offers a variety of automation options that can save time and increase conversions.
  • Smart send time: Klaviyo predicts the best time to send an email to a customer based on their behavior, which increases open rates and conversions.
  • Web tracking: Klaviyo tracks visitor behavior on your website and can be used to segment your audience and send personalized campaigns.
  • Repeat purchase: Klaviyo can predict when a customer is most likely to make a repeat purchase, and target them with personalized campaigns, which can help increase customer retention and drive more sales.
  • Affordable: Klaviyo is an enterprise marketing automation tool that is affordable for every merchant.
  • Platform independent: Klaviyo can work with multiple e-commerce platforms like Shopware 6, Magento 2, Bigcommerce, Shopify and Prestashop, and switching platform is also easy as it records based on email addresses.