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Shopware 6.5: A release to look forward to


Now available: Shopware 6.5

Shopware continuously develops its platform and the 6.5 update was launched in early May 2023. We will tell you about the new features. By the end of this article, you will have only one question: when can I get the 6.5 update on my shop? Read about the new Shopware features or watch the videos.

Read the dutch version of the article here.

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Improved rule builder

More options have been made available within the rule builder regarding the customer. This makes it easier to set up promotions with certain conditions. You will also see that irrelevant rules have a different color within ‘rule-based conditions’ in promotions.

Postal code verification and layout data customizable per country

You can now choose a standard or advanced method of postal code validation for each country. If you choose advanced, you have the option to add your own regular expression.

Furthermore, it is now also possible to customize the address form per country with a drag & drop editor. You can add separators and special fields, but also choose what comes next to each other. For example: First postal code and then city.

Organized order information

At the moment, all order information is listed on one page, but that will change with the 6.5 update. You will find three tabs at the top of the page: General, details, and documents. This makes it easier to navigate to the desired information more quickly.

Scheduled flow

It is now possible to set up flows with ’time delay’ in the flow builder. So you can automatically send an email a certain number of hours after, for example, a placed order. This feature is currently only available in Shopware Beyond.

Create returns directly from the order overview

Everyone has to deal with returns sometimes. The process of creating a return order is now much easier. You can check one or more products in the order and mark them as a return. A return order is then automatically created and a new tab appears at the top.

External VAT providers

Because there are often complicated VAT rules in different countries, there is now a feature to link external providers. You can link the providers and then (de)activate and prioritize them.

AI gegenereerde product beschrijving

This is a very special development that really fits within the current digital trends. With AI, you can now have a product description written for a product. Simply enter some keywords and/or characteristics. Wait a moment and the text is automatically generated. Are you curious about AI-generated content and how you can use it for SEO purposes? Check out our online marketing service.

If you haven’t had enough of all the features yet, Shopware has listed all the new features for you.

Significant performance improvements

New features in the backend are fun, but improved performance is fantastic. Good performance contributes to a positive user experience and better scores in Google. Below you can see the differences between Shopware 6.4 and 6.5. Small note: these are statistics on the administration side (backend). However, this also has an effect on front-end scores.


Score (Lighthouse)Points3784227%
First contentful paintMilliseconds28001200233%
Time to interactiveMilliseconds 40002300173%
Speed indexMilliseconds 29001600181%
Total blocking timeMilliseconds 590160368%
Largest contentful paintMilliseconds 36001800200%

Product detail

Score (Lighthouse)Points3275234%
First contentful paintMilliseconds 29001200241%
Time to interactiveMilliseconds 43002400179%
Speed indexMilliseconds 31001700182%
Total blocking timeMilliseconds 670200335%
Largest contentful paintMilliseconds 40002200181%


Score (Lighthouse)Points3786232%
First contentful paintMilliseconds 28001200233%
Time to interactiveMilliseconds 38001900200%
Speed indexMilliseconds 29001400207%
Total blocking timeMilliseconds 560160350%
Largest contentful paintMilliseconds 37001700217%

File sizes

When is Shopware 6.5 released?

Shopware 6.5 released at 3rd May 2023